Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Just a couple photoshop tricks

I have so many, as I use them, I'll remember to come here and jot them down for you. The one I use the most is double-click anywhere outside your page (in your working space) and it will open the "open" window. You don't have to click file and then open. This saves so much time ! The other one is adding the same fx (effects) to another layer (CS4) is hold down the alt key, click on the "effects" layer (under your main layer)(a big fx will start to move with you as you drag) and drag it to the layer you want the fx, it's magic. It's important that you know this as well, if you click on the main layer instead of the effects it will duplicate what you are dragging. If you hold down the shift or ctrl key as you are dragging the fx symbol, you have effectively moved the effects from the original to the one you land on. Also don't forget the most important one of all....hold down shift as you are dragging your paper to your LO, it will center it perfectly. This one works in all PS versions. I LOVE SHORTCUTS ! more to come...

1 comment:

Mumure said...

I work with PSP XI :(
But my husband will be happy with your tutorial!!!